FMF Kolloquium 2024 FMF Kolloquium 2024 at the Schluchsee - looking foward to some exciting talks from the material science community in Freiburg!
Davids Farewell BBQ David has organized his farewell BBQ. A sucessful PhD career with 3 great papers - now only one more final exam to master. Good luck for your…
Niloofar publishes her second paper Niloofar has won the Young researcher award at EMRS for Symposium I (Nano-engineered coatings and thin films: from fundamentals to applications)! Congratulations!
David publishes his 3rd paper David has published his third paper on the effective decolorization and consecutive 3D printing of lignin in Advanced Science and has managed to make vat…
Niloofar wins EMRS award Niloofar has won the Young researcher award at EMRS for Symposium I (Nano-engineered coatings and thin films: from fundamentals to applications)! Congratulations!
Silvio publishes first paper Silvio has published his first paper on a low-cost computed axial lithography (CAL) system for volumetric printing in Additive Manufacturing. Congratulations!
Davids second Paper Published David Böcherer has published his work on a double-curing thiol-ene/epoxy system for sealing microfluidic devices for bioassays in Advanced Functional Materials. Full article here.
FMF Kolloquium 2023 Exciting Science at the FMF Retreat 2023 at the Schluchsee. Great presentations given by Niloofar, Grace and Silvio!
Davids Paper Published David Böcherer has published his work on the COLOR3D Technology in Additive Manufacturing. Introducing colourful patterns on DLP Prints with micro-/nanostructured foils. Full article here.
Niloofars Paper Published Niloofar Nekoonam has published her paper on photoswitchable soft gels for droplet manipulation in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces! check out this great work showing wetting…
FMF Kolloquium 2022 The HelmerLab joined the FMF/FIT Kolloquium 10th-12th Octobre 2022 by the beautiful Titisee. Exciting science and great presentations by Grace, Silvio and Niloofar.